Our Thoughts

Is it possible that these preconceived thoughts hinder our progress? We have already seen how skepticism about parapsychology has slowed down our understanding of its potential applications. Very few people like to admit that they are wrong. Although we sometimes jump to hasty conclusions,and although our preconceived ideas often lack a solid basis in fact, we become their most ardent defenders as soon as someone tries to convince us they may be false. In many cases it isn’t the ideas themselves we are defending, but our own love of self.

The same thing applies to negative opinions we hold about ourselves.For a long time I maintained a highly negative self image. Whenever I had trouble with my homework, for example, I would immediately conclude that ‘… I could never understand, I’d never succeed.’ Of course that would only make the work that much more difficult, and I’d often end up in tears, to the alarm of my parents.

Interestingly enough, drinking a cup of coffee just before an exam changed all that. It was like a revelation! I had never used any drugs or stimulants before, so the caffeine (or the idea I had formed about what caffeine could do) had an extraordinary effect on my mind: in a few seconds I came up with the solution to a difficult math problem. I completed the test in a third of the time allotted to us, and got a brilliant mark and the congratulations of my professor and parents.

From that day on, I began searching for natural ways to recreate that state of mental alertness that had enabled me to instinctively discover the solution to the exam problem. I have found quite a few over the years. What people call creativity, intuition, or extra sensory perception (ESP) are states that seem to me to be very closely linked. All are at the opposite end of the spectrum of what we generally label ‘ordinary experience.’

In modern society, most individuals are occupied with activities that could be categorized as practical. This is done out of ignorance, or because people are tricked into believing they must devote all their time to practical matters. Being weak minded, they submit to the influences of the environment in which they find themselves.

Some people, on the other hand, are aware that they are being manipulated by big business, politics, culture mongers, and so on.to-day responsibilities that we rarely have an opportunity to make full use ofour intelligence and / or imagination. We see young executives fresh out of university, brimming with new and exciting ideas, slowly fade as they are worn down by the rigid demands of the companies they work for. Their natural psychic abilities are soon extinguished by the grinding routine they have to put up with.

Trying to find ways to liberate these latent abilities, or at least those which seem useful and positive, is what this book is all about. I searched through libraries and bookstores for existing material, mostly in vain. Some works contained hints of a possible method. None were written in terms that could be easily understood by everyone – the obscure, highly pedagogical language that was used tended to lead the reader into an endless series of sterile conjecture. Most books seemed to be a blend of simplistic ideologies, useless beliefs and unsatisfactory explanations of various phenomena. None were balanced and objective: authors either doubted everything, or believed everything at face value.

We need a method in which our western way of thinking, that serves as a bridge between what is familiar and what appears to be strange and unusual. The subject matter would be a description of the methods of personal psychological and parapsychological development that has been discovered and practiced over the years.

One such method – Mental Dynamics – to gained insight into how the integration of intuition and other para-normal faculties in our day-to-day lives could provide the balance that our personalities seemed to lack.

Constantly suppressing parts of ourselves that cannot logically be explained creates tremendous tension on a subconscious level. The self-critical attitudes drilled into us by our rationalistic education system can be counter- balanced by an understanding of these special powers, adding a new dimension to our existence.

As such, developing our paranormal faculties can largely contribute to abolishing the traditional conditioning we have all been subjected to, concerning matters like time, space, language and thought, freeing our mind of its limitations, doubts and anxieties. In that sense, investigating your own paranormal abilities represents a great step towards attaining real freedom.

The voyage is about to begin. Why not come along and discover what lies on the other side of the ocean of your being, at the very heart of your inner self

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‎(Mitch Ditkoff) Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas Part 2

8. Take a Break
If you want a breakthrough, you will need to take a break, True innovators rarely follow the straight and narrow path. Not only do they march to a different drummer, they’re often not even on the same playing field as most people.
Take Seymour Cray, for example, the legendary designer of high-speed computers.
He used to divide his time between building the next generation super computer and digging an underground tunnel below his Chippewa Falls house. Cray’s explanation of his tunnel digging behavior is consistent with the stories of many other creatives—inner-directed, boundary-pushing people who understand the need to go off-line whenever they get stuck.

Bottom line, whenever they find themselves struggling with a thorny problem, they walk away from it for a while. They know, from years of experience, that more (i.e. obsession, analysis, effort) is often less (i.e. ideas, solutions, results).
Next time you find yourself stuck on a thorny problem or project, walk away from it for a while. Stay conscious of new solutions coming to you during this “down time.”

9. Notice and Ch allenge Existing Patterns and Trends
There are many people these days who make their living from the “pattern recognition” business:futurists, meteorologists, air traffic controllers, and stock brokers just to name a few. And while their success rates may not always be 100%, it is clear that whatever success they enjoy is intimately tied to their ability to notice patterns and then interpret those patterns correctly for the rest of us. The same holds true for breakthrough thinkers. The only difference? Breakthrough thinkers often hit the gravy train by challenging old patterns and then reconfiguring them in new ways.

What trends in the marketplace most intrigues you? In what ways might these trends shift in the coming years—and how might your most inspired idea be in sync with this imagined shift?

10. Hang Out Wi th Div erse Groups of People
Years ago, Sony used to insist that their engineers spend at least 25% of their work time out of the office and mixing it up with people outside the walls of their industry. Keepers of the innovation flame at Sony understood that diverse inputs were essential to the origination and development of breakthrough ideas.
Unfortunately, most of us tend to stay within the intellectual ghettos of the familiar. We hang out with the same people day and night—usually people who either agree with us, report to us or, through some indefinable act of karma, are joined to us at the hip.
If you want to increase your chances of getting a breakthrough idea, you will need to break the bonds of the familiar. Hang out with a different crowd. Go beyond the usual suspects. Seek the input of oddballs, mavericks, outcasts, or, at the very least, people outside of your field.

If you can let go of your need for comfort and agreement, you will likely find yourself catapulted into new ways of seeing, thinking, and acting – all precursors to breakthrough ideas.

11. Brainstorm
Breakthrough thinkers are often rugged individualists. They believe in their inalienable rights to “think for themselves.” They value their opinions, their perspectives, and their innate creativity. Their biggest fear is “group think.” All well and good.

But there is an important distinction to be made between “group think” and the phenomenon of inspired individuals getting together to spark each other’s brilliance.
Indeed, most great breakthroughs are more about inspired collaborations than they are about lone wolf genius. Think Bill Gates and Paul Allen (Microsoft). All you need to do is frame a meaningful question, invite the right people, and facilitate the process
for helping your think tank riff creatively. If you are not the right person to facilitate, you probably know someone who is. Ask them.

12. Look for Happy Accidents
Breakthrough ideas are often less about the purposeful act of inventing new things than it is the art of noticing new things that happen accidentally—those surprise moments when the answer is revealed for no particular reason.

The discovery of penicillin, for example, was the result of Alexander Fleming noting the formation of mold on the side of a Petri dish left unattended overnight. Breakthroughs aren’t always about inventions, but about the intervention required to notice something new, unexpected, and intriguing. For this to happen, you will need to let go of your expectations and assumptions and get curious.
Give up being an expert. Let go of the past. See with new eyes.

13. Use Creativ e Thi nking Techniques
I live in the Northeast. In the winter, it’s common for old cars—especially on very cold mornings—not to start. When that happens, the best thing you can do is get a jump-start. All you need are jumper cables and another car that’s got its motor running.
Creative thinking techniques are just like jumper cables. They spark ignition. They turn potential into kinetic energy. They get you going when you’re stuck. If you’re looking for a breakthrough idea, perhaps all you need is a jump start.

That jump start could take many shapes. It could be a classic, creative thinking technique,of which there are many. It could be a “creative thinking coach” or a favorite book, or a quote. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what medium you choose, just as long as you choose something to get your motor running.

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(Mitch Ditkoff) Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas Part 1

“Why is it I always get my best ideas while shaving?” Albert Einstein

Is there anything a person can do—beyond caffeine,corporate pep talks, or astrology readings—to quicken the appearance of breakthrough ideas? Yes, there is. And it begins with the awareness of where ideas come from in the first place.There are two schools of thought on this subject. The first school ascribes the origin of ideas to inspired individuals who, through a series of purposeful mental processes, conjure up the new and the different—cerebral shamen, if you will. The second school of thought ascribes the appearance of ideas to a transcendent force, a.k.a. the “Collective Unconscious,” the “Platonic Realm,” the “Muse” or the “Mind of God.” According to this perspective,ideas are not created, but already exist, becoming accessible only to those human beings who have sufficiently tuned themselves to receive them.

1. Follow Your Fascination
If you find yourself fascinated by a new idea, chances are good that there’s something meaningful about it for you to consider. Fascination, quite simply, is nature’s way of getting our attention. Well beyond seduction or attraction, it’s an indication that we are being called. Out of the thousands of ideas with the power to capture our imagination, the fascination felt for one of them is a clue that there’s something worthy of our engagement. Don’t dismiss it as trivial. Give it room. Give it time to breathe. Honor it.

What new idea is fascinating you? What new possibility has captured your attention?
In what ways can you honor this inspiration today?

Fascination, quite simply, is nature’s way of getting our attention.

2. Immerse
Breakthrough ideas, have a curious habit of showing up at odd times. And because they do, we’re not always ready to receive them. To complicate matters, chances are good that when they do show up, we are multi-tracking our little tushies off—checking email, microwaving dinner, or looking for our Blackberry amidst the half-folded laundry. Not exactly the pre-conditions for breakthrough. The alternative? Immersion: “the act of becoming completely involved or absorbed in something— engrossed, enthralled, or preoccupied.” If you want to radically increase your odds of originating breakthrough ideas, you will need to immerse. Don’t be a chicken, be a hen! Baby chicks break through the shell separating them from flight not because their mothers are rushing off to meetings on parenting skills, but because their mothers are immersed in the act of hatching.Look at your calendar. Block out some time to focus on the development of your most inspired idea or venture. Unplug! Incubate! Hatch! Immerse!

3. Tolerate Ambig uity
Breakthrough ideas are not always the result of a revolutionary Eureka! moment. On the contrary, they are often the result of an evolutionary series of approximations or failed experiments.

When Thomas Edison was asked how it felt to fail 800 times before coming up with tungsten as the filament for the light bulb, his answer was a revealing one. “Fail?” he said. “I didn’t fail once. I learned 800 times what didn’t work.”

If you are attempting to birth a breakthrough idea, get comfortable with discomfort. Give up your addiction to having all your ducks in a row—at least in the beginning of your discovery process. People may think you’re a “quack,” but so what? Your chances of birthing a breakthrough idea (and result) exponentially increase the more you are able to tolerate ambiguity. What new idea of yours is bubbling on the brink of breakthrough? In what ways can you stay with it, even if something in you is impatient for a breakthrough?

4. Make New Connections
True creativity rarely happens in a vacuum. On the contrary, it is the product of two or more variables connecting in a new way. It happens all of the time in nature. Water, for example, is really just the connection between hydrogen and oxygen. It happens in the human realm as well. Roller blading is nothing more than the connection between ice skating and roller skating. MT V? Nothing more thanthe connection between music and television. Drive in banking? Car + banking.The originators of these breakthrough products didn’t pull rabbits out of thin air. All they did was see a new, intriguing (and potentially commercial) connection between already existing elements.
Why don’t more of us make these kinds of connections? Because we usually stay within the confines of what we already know. We live in a box of our own creation – whether that box be defined by our nationality, profession, concepts, cubicle, or astrological sign.
And so the printing press was born.
Make three parallel lists of ten words. The first list? Nouns. The second list? Verbs. The third list? Adjectives. Then look for intriguing new connections between them.

5. Fantasize
In 1989, Gary Kasparov, the Soviet Union Grand Chess Master, played a two game match against “Deep Blue,” the reigning supercomputer of the time. Kasparov won easily. When asked by the media what his competitive advantage was, he cited two things: intuition and the ability to fantasize. (And this from a master strategic thinker!)
Think of a current challenge of yours. What would a fantasy solution to this challenge look like?What clues does this fantasy solution give you?

6. Defi ne the Righ t Ch allenge
“It’s not that they can’t find the solution,” said G.K. Chesterton, the renowned American philosopher and writer, “they can’t find the problem!”

Translation?Most people, in their rush to figure things out, rarely spend enough time framing their challenge in a meaningful way. If they owned a GPS, they’d fail to take the time to program in their destination because they were so much into the hustle of getting out of town.

State your most inspired challenge or opportunity as a question beginning with words “How can I?”Then write it five different ways. Which is the real question?

7. Li sten to Your Subconscious
If you study the lives of people who have had Eureka moments, you’ll note that their breakthroughs almost always came after extensive periods of intense, conscious effort. They worked, they struggled, they noodled, they gave up, they recommitted—and then the breakthrough came. And often at unexpected moments. They weren’t buying lottery tickets at their local deli, hoping to win a breakthrough fortune, they were digging for treasure in their own back yard.

In other words, the conscious mind works overtime in an attempt to solve a problem or achieve a goal. Unable to come up with the breakthrough, the challenge gets turned over to the subconscious mind, which then proceeds to figure it out in its own, sweet time.
Of course, all of this assumes that we are listening to the promptings of our subconscious mind.

This week, keep a log of your most inspired ideas, intuitions, and dreams. At the end of the week, review your log. See what insights come to you.

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Pamper Yourself

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Hello world!

Hello to Everyone,

Hmmm … how`s life? Easy or tough? Are you living or surviving? Are you happy or sad? Are you good or bad?…..

Haa !! So many questions in first posting ? Sorry fellows ! I asked all these questions because I feel that most of us try to avoid all these questions. We have so much stress loaded in our minds that we usually dont have time to think about all this. And somemore when the times are tough then we try our best to get over with it fast. But does that happens? Answer is NO

When the times are tough the time itself seems to have slowed down. Each day becomes a war and we are always on the front line facing various types of challenges every second of the day .It can be from our family, friends, work, car, house , mortgage, infrastructure etc etc .  Is it true? Ask yourself

A day gets over but the war doesn`t . We go to bed with same stress in our head and next morning we start all over again. This cycle repeats everyday, sometimes, every second. Have you ever felt like that ?

So basically what we do is, we are chewing the chewing gum of stress everyday. This chewing gum never melts nor can be swallowed . Either we are talking about it or our mind is trying to chew it finding a way to digest it.

But have you ever thought of anyway to get over with this chewing gum? I know there alot of ways in which people try to reach you and help you to manage your stress. But can we follow those programs as they are required to be followed? A , usually tough , Right? But if yes, then very good but if No then how?

If you are doing it on regular basis thats very good , that means you know how manage yourself well . But still is there something missing ?

Haa !! See still good life managers also chew the tough chewing gum .

So thats why I called this mychewinggum.wordpress.com. You chew it, I chew it , we all chew it every second of our life, sometimes even in our dreams.

I will like to share with you whatever I know and lets try to help each other with life

Please send me your feedback .

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